World Population Since 1980

According to Population and Vital Statistics Report - 2014, Total population of the world is 11.6 billion (11,606,761,435). And the top 5 populated countries are China - 1.36 billion (11.8%), India - 1.26 billion (10.9%), USA - 318.9 million (2.7%), Indonesia - 252.8 million (2.2%) and Brazil - 202 million (1.7%).

In the past one and a half decades, the % growth of population was the highest in the middle east countries. Out of which UAE, Oman and Saudi Arabia had attracted a large population from world wide ranging from 9% to 15% every year.

In 2014, Oman and Qatar had 8% and 4.6% population growth respectively. In contrast, India had 1.2% population growth and that is 15 million (equals population of Zimbabwe or Senegal). China had 0.5% growth in the population, which is approx. 6 million. India stands first in terms of population growth of 15 million, followed by China with 6.8 million and Nigeria with approx. 5 million of its population.

Since 1985, there was a continous population decline in Hungary and Germany. In mid 90s, out of 56 European countries, population decline was found almost in half of the european countries. In 1995, Russia had a population decline of 0.3% and that was half a million population which Russia could not balance it till 2014. Kazhagistan, Ukraine and Latvia lost almost 1% of its population.

Lithuania had a population of 3.7 million in 1991 and after 23 long years they have still not gained a population of 3 million (2.9 million in 2014).


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