What kind of 'Big Data' books are customers buying? To find out, we restricted our search to Amazon - amazon.com, amazon.co.uk & amazon.in and the focus was on Hardcovers and Paperbacks.
Apart from the 'Title', 'Author' & 'Publisher' we were interested in the following information;
- Pages
- Price
- Best Seller Rank
The 'Amazon Best Seller Rank' or 'Sales Rank' (the smaller the number the better the sales) as it is known gives us an indication of the overall sales of the book. Mind you, this number has nothing to do with the reviews a book gets on Amazon. Though there are category and sub-category best seller lists we chose to stick with the 'All Books' option.
But not all books had all of the information we wanted and we had to filter out those that did not mention the 'Best Seller Rank' & the 'Price'.
At the time of writing , the following 'Big Data' books were the Best Sellers.
Data Science for Business: What you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking
by Foster Provost , Tom Fawcett
Publishers: O'Reilly Media
Price: USD 37.99
Best Sellers Rank: #2966
Big Data: Using Smart Big Data, Analytics and Metrics to Make Better Decisions and Improve Performance
by Bernard Marr
Publishers: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Price: GBP 11.99
Best Sellers Rank: #4299
Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think
by Viktor Mayer-Schonberger , Kenneth Cukier
Publishers: Hodder and Stoughton
Price: INR 225.0
Best Sellers Rank: #679
Buying Trends
The plot below is a collection of 'Big Data' books on amazon.com
Each bubble is a book.
Size of the bubble - 'Price' of the book
Color - Paperbacks & Hardcovers
X Axis - 'Amazon.com Best Seller Rank'
Y Axis - 'Number of pages'
Tap on a bubble to go to the product page.
What kind of 'Big Data' books are customers buying?
Reasonably priced books.
Books connecting 'Big Data' & Business
Data Science related books