Key Themes Discussed - your company vs. competitor(Hover on the chart to see individual trends)

IBM SIMILAR THEMES MSFT Accenture Accenture America America Apple Apple Asia Asia Asian Asian Australia Australia BRIC BRIC Big Data Big Data Brazil Brazil CRM CRM California California Canada Canada China China Cloud Cloud Commercial Commercial Communications Communications Digital Digital EPS EPS ERP ERP Eastern Eastern Euro Euro Europe Europe European European GAAP GAAP Gartner Gartner Global Global Google Google HP HP Health Health IBM IBM IDC IDC IP IP India India Intel Intel International International Japan Japan Latin Latin Latin America Latin America Linux Linux Mexico Mexico Microsoft Microsoft Mobile Mobile Network Network New York New York New York City New York City North America North America OEM OEM OEMs OEMs Oracle Oracle Pacific Pacific Retail Retail Revenue growth Revenue growth Russia Russia Securities Securities Security Security Server Server Service Service Software Software Technology Technology UK UK US US United States United States Western Western Western Europe Western Europe Windows Windows Worldwide Worldwide balance sheet balance sheet bottom line bottom line business mix business mix business model business model business performance business performance capital management capital management capital market capital market capital spending capital spending cash flow cash flow cash generation cash generation challenging environment challenging environment cloud infrastructure cloud infrastructure constant currency constant currency consulting business consulting business core business core business cost management cost management cost reduction cost reduction currency impact currency impact customer base customer base customer demand customer demand customer experience customer experience customer satisfaction customer satisfaction data center data center demand environment demand environment expense growth expense growth expense management expense management expense reduction expense reduction growth opportunity growth opportunity growth rate growth rate growth strategy growth strategy headcount reduction headcount reduction hedging program hedging program income growth income growth industry standard industry standard interest income interest income leadership team leadership team line growth line growth macro environment macro environment margin improvement margin improvement market environment market environment market growth market growth market place market place market segment market segment market share market share medium business medium business mix shift mix shift operating cash operating cash operating income operating income operating margin operating margin operating model operating model operating profit operating profit operating system operating system point improvement point improvement price performance price performance pricing environment pricing environment prior year prior year product line product line product mix product mix product portfolio product portfolio profit growth profit growth repurchase program repurchase program revenue base revenue base revenue growth revenue growth revenue impact revenue impact revenue performance revenue performance revenue stream revenue stream server business server business share buyback share buyback share growth share growth share price share price share repurchase share repurchase shareholder value shareholder value software business software business stock price stock price supply chain supply chain tax benefit tax benefit tax credit tax credit tax rate tax rate term debt term debt unit growth unit growth value proposition value proposition year growth year growth


Size - # of Mentions
Color - Which company


Left: IBM
Right: Microsoft
Center: Common

Insights(Mouse-over to see)

IBM vs. Microsoft

Themes on IBM - EPS, Japan, Share Repurchase, Profit Growth

Themes on Microsoft - OEM, CRM, ERP, Market Growth

Common Themes - Cloud, Revenue Growth, Tax Rate, Market Share

Visualized by Gramener